Life is better together. Join a LIFE Class to learn about God and connect with others! Classes begin February 5th at 6:00pm

First Steps - Room 205
First steps is a class for anyone who may be interested in joining FBC Groves or for anyone who wants to just know more about the church. (Facilitator: Pastor Joe Worley)

Gospel Conversations for Life - Room 202
We live in a broken world that can only be fixed by Jesus Christ. Stephen and Steve are excited about helping Christians gain confidence as they share their faith in a simple but dynamic way that will help lead people to Christ. (Facilitator: Stephen Warnock & Steve Hinton)

True Worshipers - Sanctuary
The truth is, we are all worshipers. The question is not “are you a worshiper?” but rather “what kind of worshiper are you?” In this class you can discover how Sunday connects to the rest of the week and vice-versa. Join Worship Pastor Chaston Miller to get a glimpse into the world of church music and learn what it means to worship God “in spirit and truth.” (Facilitator: Chaston Miller)

Journey Through the Bible - Room 204
Do you wish you had a better understanding of the Bible, where the names of the books came from, it’s time line, the countries and cities talked about in the Bible and where are they today? This study will give those who attend a better understanding to those questions and more. (Facilitator: Josh Roam)

Maintenance in Marriage - The Gathering Room
When the building of a house is completed, the work isn’t done. There may be updates, additions, refreshing. Same is true with marriage. Marriage doesn’t end with a wedding ceremony, that’s only the beginning. Building a marriage takes a life-time of work. Join Clarice and Charles as they help guide class members in building a Christian marriage. (Facilitator: Charles and Clarice Miller)

18 Minutes with Jesus: a Study of the Parables - Assembly C

The Book of James (Ladies only) - Room 203
The book of James has been called “The Proverbs of the New Testament.” If a person is saved, they should do things that show that. “Not saved by works but saved to do good works.” Join Elisa and other ladies as they study this great book of the Bible. (Facilitator: Elisa Bruer)

La Iglesia - Assembly A
MasterLife is an excellent resource to help persons move toward maturity in Christ and is appropriate for both
new Christians and experienced believers in Jesus Christ as Savior. Manny Cantu will lead this study that will
help all those in attendance become more like Jesus and live a disciple’s lifestyle.(Facilitator: Alfredo Ballesta & Manuel Cantu)

The Bible Recap
For anyone who may be using The Bible Recap as a tool for reading the Bible, Susan will meet each week with readers to share and discuss the week’s reading. The time together may even lovingly hold each other accountable in their faithfulness to read God’s word. Reading God’s word shouldn’t be about legalism, guilt or drudgery, but a necessary and exciting time with the Lord. (Facilitator: Susan Daigle)

A Biblically Healthy You - Assembly B
John will show and teach a multifaceted approach to health and vitality. He will use several noted and trusted doctors along with his fifty years of study and research to facilitate this class. (Facilitator: John Bigelow)